Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall is Here!!!

Your Daddy and I fixed the Biggest Jack-O-Lantern Mama has ever made last night for you!!
It was dark when we were decorating it, so I didn't get your picture made until tonight.

You were so sweet. You kept pulling the hay out of the bale.

I already love Halloween, but having you here this year is making it all the more exciting!!

Last Night 9/29/2009
You wore your Halloween Pajamas I bought you. Boy were you sweet!

This Holiday Season is going to be so fun!
Love Always,

Man Is My Boy Growing!

Before you know it you will be going to school with Mama! You are trying so hard to crawl with your belly off the ground! You are sitting up by yourself from a laying down position. You have tried pulling up on Aunt Mary's steps, and you are walking around the sides of your Play Pen (holding on of course)!

I don't know what to think!
Granny & I bought you some Fall & Winter clothes. We bought 12 months thinking you could wear them for a while, but I'm not sure. It's been a little cooler this week and they fit you perfectly! I am finally gonna add some pics! Granny has been after me.

Threw up for the first time on Saturday Sept. 19th. If Granny hadn't of been here I would have gone insane! You have never spit up over 10 times in your entire life (yes we are lucky) so this had me freaking! Anyway it must have been a bug or something. You were doing better the next day. But since your stomach was upset you got to have your first Ginger Ale.
I can't wait for your first Halloween!
You still only have 2 bottom teeth. You are still sweeter than sugar.

You are now taking a bath like a Big Boy! I recorded you the other night. As soon as I turned it off you said clear as a bell, "bath tub"! Your Daddy & I went crazy!

I can't wait for your first Halloween! I have an awesome costume planned!
Hannah's 16th B-Day is coming up! We have her party this weekend!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Enough Time!!

I simply believe that there is not enough time to do all the things I think I must do to be an efficient mother. I haven't had time to print pictures thanks to Digital photography, upload any video, or even post a blog!!! I will make more time though, somehow.

Last week Weds. thru Sat., you my dear son kept a fever. This made you very clingy to your mother! But throught those pityful days you still worked on your crawling skills. You actually look like you are in the Army doing a belly crawl but it is so sweet! I entend (sp) on updating pictures when I am not rushing like a maniac (like that will ever happen). But I think your Granny will watch you long enough on night this week for me to do what I need too.

You have also started drinking juice from your sippy cup. You will eat "Puffs" willingly now and your "Mum-Mums". I am so proud of my big boy! I have also broadened your palate and allowed you to eat exotic Baby foods like Mangos, Hawaiian Delight, Chicken & Noodle Dinner, etc. You love it! And I love you more than anything!
Love Always,

Monday, August 31, 2009

Boy are You Becoming Mobile!

Well, it seems like yesterday we were cheering when you were rolling over. Now you can roll wherever you want to go, and to top it off today you started scooting! You are definetely (sp) about to be a crawler! You have scooted to get a gift bag tonight and gone about 3 feet. If you can just manage to get that belly off the ground a little bit more you will offically be a crawler!

You have also started liking your Puffs this last week. You look so sweet trying to chew them with your two teeth on the bottom! You can also eat your Baby MuM-MuMs by yourself (somewhat).

Mama turned 25 yesterday and you making all of these advances is about to make me crazy! You are growing up so fast.

You are finally getting a little more used to school again. I wish I could.

I promise I will post more pictures soon. Time is not something I have a lot of right now. I have to go fix bottles and cereal.


Friday, August 21, 2009

One Week Down!

Well, Mama had to go back to work this week and it has been an adjustment! Wilson was finally getting used to school and now its the weekend! We will start all over on Monday!

I took Wilson to the doctor this afternoon, because he is so full of cold and his cough and breathing sounds horrible! They gave nebulizing treatment and said it helped the inflamation in his lungs. So now we are back to using our inhalor. I am just praying that this is happening because he is a little boy, and that it's not going to turn in to Asthma!
When they weighed Wilson today he weighed 19 lbs. 6 oz.! Boy he's big! And to top it off, since he is such a big boy he got to sit on the scale not lay down on it. He was smiling so handsome at his nurse. He loves the ladies!

Well, of course we are invited to ten million different functions this weekend, but since Pudd isn't feeling well, it will probably be a weekend around the house. And Mama needs to rest up for those Kindergarteners who will be knocking down her door next week!

Just a little quick update!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last Summer Beach Trips!

Well, we took our last summer beach trips this past week before Wilson & I had to go back to school. We went down on Sunday August 9th, came back on Tuesday the 11th. Then went back on Friday August 14th, and came home on Sunday Aug. 16th. Dexter actually came on Saturday and spent the night with us! I let you sit in the sand to see how messy you would get this weekend. Guess what? You actually might be my child, you barely got dirty! I don't like sand in my bathing suit either!
Here are some of our pictures!
We will be going back to the beach again, but it won't be the same when we have to come home and go to school.
I love you my Pudd!

Where Has the Time Gone?

My Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Where has the last 9 weeks gone? It seems like yesterday I was packing up my classroom, turning in my school keys, and telling Mrs. Pam that you would be back at your school (DayCare) after summer break. You have grown so much, I can't describe it. You are so smart and you learn new things everyday.
These last two days have been the hardest. When I went back to school after my maternity leave, you couldn't let me know you missed me. Boy, now when I leave you at school you really let me know you miss me when I'm gone. I know it will get better with time, but watching you cry when I leave breaks my heart. I only pray that you will show some progress with this soon, or I will start being late for work!
I don't have much time right now, because I have to wait until you are asleep to get work done around the house now. I know it will get better, before long you will be walking into your Kindergarten classroom holding my hand. I just plan on enjoying these times while they are here!
I love you, Wilson!